Unique Hereward Knot pin badges - grab them while they are in stock.
Special offer for Association Members!
Hereward Knot pin badges
- only £3.50 for Association Members, plus Postage and Packaging.
- only £8.50 for non-Association Members, plus Postage and Packaging.
So if you aren't an Association member, join up and get your first year and the pin badge for £8.50 - click here, register on the website and then fill out the Join up form, or go to the membership pages via the top menu.
- only £3.50 for Association Members, plus Postage and Packaging.
- only £8.50 for non-Association Members, plus Postage and Packaging.
So if you aren't an Association member, join up and get your first year and the pin badge for £8.50 - click here, register on the website and then fill out the Join up form, or go to the membership pages via the top menu.
Ties (red or blue) and Tie pins
We have a limited number of ties and tie pins for sale to Association members (and friends by special request!). We accept cheques, but prefer bank transfer (the modern world!).
Ties are £17 plus £3 P&P
Pins are £3 plus £1.50 P&P
Ties are £17 plus £3 P&P
Pins are £3 plus £1.50 P&P
Squadron Prints Memorabilia - prints, badges, coins, keyrings, mugs etc - follow this link to search for II(AC) Squadron stuff!
Return of the Ravens by Peter Chilelli

Saddam Hussein regularly referred to the warplanes of the coalition, and of course the Tornados of II(AC) Sqn, as 'Ravens of Evil' in speeches from 1991 through to his defeat in 2003, and II(AC) Squadron adopted the nickname producing the inset patch - here's an example Speeches of Deception: Selected Speeches of Saddam .... Of course few would foresee the return to Iraq of the Squadron in 2014 - Peter Chilelli kindly agreed to take on a commission to commemorate the Squadron's deployment to Operation SHADER, the final deployment as a Tornado squadron. Follow the link below to purchase your own copy of this great piece of artwork.
Shiny Two by Michael Rondot
Tornado reconnaissance variant from No.II (AC) Squadron - prints available here.
Thunder in the Hills by Gerald Coulson
Military fast jets spend most of their operational time at very low level. Sparsely populated areas such as the valleys of North Wales, Scotland and the lakes of Cumbria, provide ideal training areas to perfect the skills required to hide behind high ground and remain undetected by enemy radar. Flying at 250 ft and 500 mph, two Jaguar GR1s from No2 squadron on a low level reconnaissance exercise are the subject of this painting. Available here.
Terrane provide patches - here's one